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Did you know your neighborhood school has grown to be an A-rated school?

Your support makes a difference, and there are countless ways to help our school reach its potential...

Supporting your local school creates a better neighborhood, a stronger and more vibrant community and an area that more and more people will want to be a part of. A great school can bring and keep great people in our neighborhood.

Many people don't realize there are a lot of different ways (both big and small) to help out. 



Morningside K-8 Academy is a Title I public school which means over 90% of our students come from low-income families. The PTSA covers everything the school can't: field trips, new technology, teacher grants, playground repairs, landscaping, uniforms, new athletic equipment, additional supplies and materials for programs. 

We have an ongoing Amazon Wish List that we update based on greatest need. Last year, our community purchased close to $1,000 worth of new PE equipment. Individuals purchased basketballs, hula hoops, soccer goals and a new PE cart. These items make a huge difference and will get a lot of use. 



Every dollar counts. Small donations add up and go far at our school. We host several raffles throughout the year and having in-kind donations as raffle prizes help us tremendously with our fundraising efforts. Whether it's a coupon for dinner at your restaurant or something you've made, we would love to hear about it. 


Our current fundraising goal is a new playground. Morningside K-8 Academy has a thriving program called Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities/Role model program. It combines pre-k aged children with varying disabilities with neurotypical children ("Role Models") for a mutually beneficial experience. 

Years ago, the accessible playground for this program at Morningside K-8 deteriorated to a point where it had to be condemned. Our Pre-K Children with disabilities children haven't had a playground since. We want to change that, but we can't do it without help. We've set up a GoFundMe page for donations.



There are so many ways our community can get involved. If you have a specific skill set you think could benefit us, we'd love to know. Examples are: a local film maker looking to grow her portfolio offered to film at our school and create a promotional piece about the school. A local entrepreneur came to speak to our students during career day about starting their own company. A manager of a gardening club donated some mulch and came to help with our school gardening project. The possibilities are endless. Please contact us to discuss any ideas you might have, and we'd love to hear them.


The Difference Your Support Makes


New classroom smartboards, dedicated learning iPads for classrooms, new STEM initiatives, new computers for Media Center

Green Initiatives

Landscaping beautification with native plants that will support biodiversity and be integrated into student’s curriculum


Re-sodding of athletic field, new and updated athletic equipment for physical education and team sports

Field Trips

Fund transportation and educational and cultural immersion field trips for our students

Teacher Grants

94% of teachers spend their own money on school supplies. We support our teacher with grants for materials so they can enhance the curriculum without taking on personal debt


Adding music and art for our youngest students and exanding our offerings to our whole school


For years, our Pre-K playground structure has been closed for use. Cost for new playground structure averages about $40,000. With enough community support, our students can again have a place to play

Edible Garden

Student and teacher run educational vegetable garden. Funds will go toward raised planters, mulch, seeds, garden tools, educational learning materials and more

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Morningside K-8 Academy PTSA is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As a 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are tax deductible.

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